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New design & portfolio online!

·2 mins

I’ve been working on a new site for a while now. This is the result. If you’re reading this via RSS, come check out the site and drop me a note on what you think!


Most weight here has been put on usability, accessibility and readability. I wanted to keep everything really clean and spacious, to bring up the content, which of course is the most important part. I think it works pretty well. Everything should be valid and look the same in all major browsers. If you however find something that’s wrong, please tell me.

All of the content from the old site is still here, just the layout has changed. Also all old permalinks are still valid, even if i changed the structure to a bit more logical one (so there’s no need to update your bookmarks).

A portfolio section has also been added, although it’s not finished yet. I will be adding new items when I have the time.

Also the about section tells a bit more than my name. Read it to know a bit more about me 😆

Links have been moved away from the sidebar to a separate section for two reasons:

  1. To keep the sidebar clean and relevant to the content on the page
  2. To reduce clutter on the site

Try out the new, fresh, comment field! Tell me what you think!